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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Goldwolf Cartel is a small organization which is lead by Greed the goblin, and is under Grom'Goshar's protection and authority, effectively making it a Horde-affiliated cartel. The difference between the two guilds will be that goblins and various Horde workers will focus on setting up a trading post and dealing with all those who come to it. We'll be focusing on constructing, gathering, crafting and overall tinkering with the system, and to create a Horde settlement/trading post which can act as a hub or trading center for players. This serves as an opportunity for those who wants to play goblin, as such seems lacking around. It's also a way to create a larger Horde community, should the guild succeed. Goals Short Term -Establish Goldwolf Trading Post in Opej'Nor. -Recruit Horde refugees as working force. -Establish ties with factions existing in Opej'Nor. Long Term -Become center of trade for the Horde in the Doldrums. -Expand Goldwolf Trading Post into a town and rename it. -Massive profits. -Big gains. Accepted Races and Classes Goblins, orcs, tauren, trolls, undead and blood elves are all welcome into the guild. All classes are welcome, however we'd like to not have TOO many edgy casters around. Members Greed - Boss Rules of the Cartel The cartel runs by pretty simple rules. Don't backstab the cartel or any Horde groups for that matter, don't keep artifacts of incredible power around(such are to be passed on to Grom'Goshar) and don't hoard resources, give them times to re-emerge. It's an unspoken rule that in order for trade to flourish, there mustn't be too much or any conflict with other factions or guilds. While the cartel is under Dragor Bloodfury's supervision and by extension the Horde, we're not a fighting force, nor will we only focus on being that. We'll sometimes go on adventures to gain resources and whatnot, but we won't seek out conflict too often. It's expected of the members to give the materials they collect to the leadership, then after that we can hand out resources to what's needed. While we can't enforce that materials are to be handed over, we'd appreciate it as it'll let the guild progress as a whole, instead of an individual. Closing Statement I haven't lead a guild in a while now, so it'll be a bit slow in the start maybe. But if people want to play goblins and create a guild that can support all members, then maybe this is a cool idea. I'd also like feedback on the idea below, if that'd be possible. Thanks for the read.
  2. 1 point
    To be honest I find myself constantly drained logging in every day and I'm so done with campfire RP that I just don't bother. The past week has been droll and you can say it is the player's fault all you like but it is clearly because of the direction and lack of actual presence that is really making it hard to justify even getting on. I think XP is a problem and so is the entire system but it isn't the only one for why people are so disinterested, we just have a system in place that doesn't support RP at all. I like the combat but I don't feel like I just got done with an epic battle or overcame something significant; it feels more like I just finished a battle sequence in Final Fantasy.
  3. 1 point
    We're goblins. We're going to be focused on constructing our trading post, and expand our base. That'll be our gig, just making the nicest and richest hub ever, pretty much. I see no need to complicate it further, personally.
  4. 1 point
    While I'm all for more guilds, this seems a slight bit too one dimensional. The other only trading guild branched out to be one that sailed in political waters. I suggest trying to branch further out in concept, or you might find yourself getting burnt out. Hope it works! Would be good to see some well played gobbos.
  5. 1 point
    The Great Ocean Hunt Following the informal establishment of the organization known as 'The Hunters', Baron West and Onihir Coldflayer have set their sights on one of their first major trophy targets. Spurred primarily by the madness in Baron West's mind, the duo have sought out the fierce beast known as the 'Kraken', this creature has been spotted on at least two occassions by the Orcs of Grom'Goshar close to the 'Black Finger' in addition to the Kul'Tiran men of Drustgarde who have spotted the beast swimming close to their small island off Opej'Nor. The two men have split up with Baron West acquiring bait and equipment for the hunt and Onihir Coldflayer looking for eager hunters wishing to participate in the great hunt. The one thing the two are severely lacking is a boat.
  6. 1 point
    I'd be really interested in more variety. I had the idea to make an apothecary character, but the potions available never struck me as something a morally questionable dead fellow would desire to make. The addition of throwing potions and potions with bizarre and unlikely effects would be nice. I want to make a potion that makes someone projectile vomit poisonous spiders at their enemy, god damn it!