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  1. 2 points
    The Opej Hunters The lands of the Doldrums are an interesting sort, all sorts of people found their way to all the different isles from backgrounds such as craftsmen, architects, soldiers and mystics. Amongst those people came the hunters, those who thrived on the thrill of the hunt and the glory of the kill. The jungles of Opej'Nor were the ones that attracted these people the most, for the prey on the other isles was arguably more docile, not worthy of the 'hunt' Devilsaurs, rocs, panthers, tigers, gorillas and many more, each one more fierce than the last. Out of this trapper's paradise has arisen 'The Hunters', an exclusive group that gets it's thrills not from coin, not from discovering arcane magics, but from the joy of the hunt. The Hunters may have originated from all walks of life and different races yet they find solace in the loading of a gun or the knocking of an arrow to take down their prey. Although they may not practice a code of 'honor'... there are similarities between their philosophy of the hunt and the Orcish philosophy of war. Respect for that which you kill. Respect for that which kills you. The group seek to traverse the wilds of Opej'Nor for their fame and glory Heirarchy The Gathering The gathering consists of three individuals who organize the hunt, deal with internal matters of the group and cast votes based on the desires of the rest of The Hunters. They are usually full time hunters with no particular allegiance to other factions and dedicate themselves almost wholly to the hunt. If one of the Gathering dies they are ceremoniously buried according to their will and another is chosen from the ranks of the 'Hunters' -'Baron' Timothy West (Human Nobleman) One of the less sane and strongly pro-Alliance member of the ruling body known as 'The Gathering', he is a staunch traditionalist and detests most members of the Horde races on the grounds of them being nothing but barbaric savages. Although he has this deep-set distain of the Horde, he is known to turn an eye to them when proved wrong about their savagery on the odd occasion especially towards Blood Elves who he considers 'no damn different from High Elves or Night Elves, they're all dagger ears' In recent years he has mellowed somewhat in his stance on the Horde, although deep rooted prejudices remain he has warmed to the presence of Orcs, Trolls and Tauren on the isles though his attitude towards Elves remains somewhat hunchanged. Position Vacant Position Vacant Seasoned Hunter A 'seasoned hunter' of The Hunters is one who has dedicated a far greater time to their trade and has taken down a beast of monstrous proportions usually with the killing blow. For this there is a feast and celebrations are held when someone truly achieves the rank of 'Hunter'! In the lodge and amongst their peers they are given the respect that is due and they wear their trophies with pride. Bloodied The bloodied are simply members of The Hunters who have completed their first worthy kill, they are considered with some respect by their peers and are granted access to the 'Lodge' -Aziphael - High Elf Hunter Unbloodied The unbloodied is just as it sounds, it is the initial rank into The Hunters and irrespective of hunting experience they are considered to be 'first time' hunters until one of the three on the ruling 'Gathering' have witnessed them hunting a worthy pray. Whilst not quite treated like 'dung' they are not seen as 'true' hunters until their ascension to 'Bloodied'. Until an 'Unbloodied' has been promoted to 'Bloodied' they are not allowed access to the 'Lodge' -Jalut - Tauren Hunter -Zaniah - Troll Hunter -Grotga - Orc Hunter -Laelia - Worgen Hunter -Eg - Gnome Hunter Deceased Sometimes even the best of hunters slip up and find themselves with a loaded gun taking aim only to find a raptor leaping upon them from the tall grass. It happens to the best of us, yet here is where the names of The Hunters who fell live on forever more. Onihir Coldflayer - Believed deceased Shadowclaw Panthers are one of the more commonly hunted within the group, highly prized for their velvety fur Goals The primary goal of The Hunters is to hunt down some of the biggest, deadliest, fastest and most elusive creatures on Opej'Nor for little more than glory and trophies. (It goes without saying that this group has a high and frequent risk of death associated with it, we don't sit at home whittling spoons) The secondary goal is the construction of a 'Lodge' (as the guild title suggests) which will act as a sort of 'base of operations' for the group and openly and freely welcomes those who are members of the group. The lodge also intends to act as a recreational place for the hunters as well as somewhere to put all of our trophies on display. The last and final goal of the the group is to ensure a suitable hunting ground for all. That means the group will actively ensure that trapping spots are not decimated and will take action against those who overhunt their hunting grounds (they likely don't care about salvage, prospecting and timber etc) and any who corrupt the wildlife in any way, shape or form. Although The Hunters go on their own hunts, they can be called upon for a small fee to their organization for their expertise in tracking and eliminating pray be it taking part or providing expert advice. The patron saint of hunters himself: Hemet Nesingwary. Although far from the Doldrums he is what many of The Hunters aspire to be. The Hunter's Code The hunter's code is a stricly adhered to code of conduit kept to by the hunters which is changed only by a majority rule of the Pack 1.) Ensure a clean kill of any pray, never prolong their deaths. 2.) Never overhunt your hunting grounds. 3.) Never intervene with a hunter's kill 4.) The Hunters are joined together in the thrill of the hunt. When someone intervenes on one of our hunter's prey they intervene on -ALL- of our prey. 5.) When asked by others to hunt a beast, it is customary to waive most or all of the fee if the prey is considered a worthy challange! 6.) Hunt for food, but when hunting for the thrill of the hunt ensure it is prey worth hunting! Those hunting bandicoons for trophies shall be eternally shamed! 7.) Magic is frowned upon unless what you hunt uses magic. 8.) If an animal wounds you, do not use magic to heal your wounds after the hunt! Rest and bandages suffice and the pain teaches you respect for the kill. 9.) No Hunter is to hunt prey around the area known as the 'Pond' (Previously: The Sanctuary), all hunters are to do their utmost to protect this area from both man and beast who would seek to disrupt its serenity 10.) If any of The Hunters are found to have dishonored the code, they face abandonment, shaming and being stripped of their trophies by decree of the Gathering. The Trophy Room The trophy room lists (upon construction of the Lodge) the more impressive and 'collective' trophies of the group. Whilst credit for the trophy may be ascribed to whoever landed the killing shot or blow they are considered a 'group effort' and are therefor collective trophies of The Hunters *LODGE IS NOT YET BUILT* The Devilsaur, a mark of prestige amongst The Hunters, those who attain one of it's teeth or eyes gain undying respect from their peers Recruitment The Hunters recruit entirely IC and entrance to the group is by invitation only by one of the Gathering. This is done by a form of 'headhunting' and -asking- to join will likely have you turned away. The hunter's choose their kin, not the other way round.
  2. 1 point
    Feedback on this is appreciated btw. For those who may be thinking: we are keeping this as a GROUP so as to not divide up the player base between the few guilds there already are. You -may- be asked to join even if you are a member of an organization already.
  3. 1 point
    I think there should be an approved list of morphed 'races' so that the staff do not have to compile custom RPG stats for each new morph someone discovers Furthermore these morphs should be restricted to (as people stated in the discord chat) things which aren't inherently OP such as Gnolls, Kobolds, Murlocs and a few others. Please don't include things like Dragons, Liches and other creatures as things you can morph into off the bad. Maybe after a cultist has progressed enough IC he can perform the ritual to turn into a Lich... otherwise it's cool
  4. 1 point
    Quick suggestion RE: the new gather check function For those that don't know, .rpg csheet when targeting a player will flash up a big green message telling you if a player is gathering, far more useful than the waiting around for the 2second long animation clip to cycle around. Only issue (and it's a minor one) is that it doesn't tell you -what- a person is gathering. EG: you are in a gathering zone where the local much needed ore supply is about to become decimated However the animal supply is completely untouched A person walks in and you see that they are starting to gather, they are -actually- gathering ore to try and get some rares at the cost of annihilating the supply but when confronted they innocently state they are just hunting for animals. In a normal situation, you would be able to spot what the individual is doing an act upon it, instead you are provided with the situation of having to believe them that they are hunting animals whilst swinging a pickaxe into the ground, a situation which sounds rather absurd. Would it be possible for this check system to also highlight what actual gathering profession they are performing?
  5. 1 point
    Don't say clique, it's my trigger word.
  6. 1 point
    We're moving into a big, brand new setting that's been put together by our staff and we don't really have a comprehensive 'guide' like a wowpedia, or anything of that stripe, so I thought I'd make up a thread here for you folks! Myself or other staff will take time to look at questions you have about the setting or Azeroth as a whole in our timeline and answer them here! Make sure you check out the Lore Primer and the links within first! If you have questions about the more general rules and regulations or otherwise on the server, try the General Q&A Thread! Previously Answered Questions:
  7. 1 point
    Cyka. Welcome clique.
  8. 1 point
    im here now @Varen
  9. 1 point
    WHY'D IT TAKE SO LONG *angery beating noises*
  10. 1 point
    Name: Gratha Race: Orc Age: 28 Class: Shaman Affiliation: Dragonmaw Clan, Grom'goshar Although stunted in stature, Gratha possesses the semblance of a capable fighter with sturdy shoulders and a vigorous posture. Her thick black mane is decorated with a plethora of minuscule braids, and various clan-related trinkets. A pair of glowing amber eyes bring warmth to her grey features, that most often bear marks of battle in various forms. An outlandish tempest filled the air with unbearable pressure in the Twilight Highlands. A lone Shaman scaled down the mountains with what seemed like crawling pace, eyes directed to the slithering path ahead. The havoc that was slowing her down was wrought by those loyal to the Old Gods, and were now tearing land and skies apart. Howling of the wind and the unspoken threats of the blackened forest below deafened the Dragonmaw from everything else. It was the mistake she made, trusting to her hearing over other senses, and in a heartbeat she was off the cliff, followed by a trail of flames by her winged challenger. * I was falling, falling from a great height. Nothing would stop me and there was roaring black air all around me as I was plunging through it. I heard myself call out for the elements, a desperate shriek in the thick of the living storm. I woke with a violent lurch and laid winded against a cluster of rocks, torn fabric and sand was caught to my rough features. I had no memory of what happened. I scrabbled in my brain, but it was blank - an empty cavern, no echoes. Nothing. I tried to think of the last day I clearly remembered, but it was like looking into an impenetrable mist, with indistinct shapes looming. I possess the ability to call the elements to my aid, but as I laid here, I could feel nothing familiar surrounding me. Perhaps I had wronged the elements, demanded their aid to bring me here alive. The seawater was burning at my damaged body, prompting me to stop reminiscing and to focus on my survival, and to soothe the agitated elements. * Stranded, the scrawny Shaman began to make her way further away from the shore. Having never communicated with an ally other than a Dragonmaw, she had no faith in finding anything but hostility from where she now was. With that belligerent mindset, she ventured on. OOC: If anyone has found errors, please tell, my english is not the most fluent. Other feedback is also most welcome.
  11. 1 point
    OOC: Because there are no comments, I'll continue by filling this space with random 'journal' stuff. Because I rather keep it all together than spread across the forums. Trusting a condescending Warsong had seemed like an unlikely compromise, but grudges were a luxury ill-afforded on these forsaken isles. I knew not if the ideals of this Horde would suit those that I upheld, yet for survival’s sake even certain ideals had to be tucked away into the shadows. I could still not feign a promising attitude, for I saw naught but despair and destruction when trying to reminisce the moments of my retreat. Would I still have a clan to return to? Or would the internal disturbance be the end of our Warchief? I poked the charred logs further in the campfire, and added a few fresh ones into the fray. It was silent now, as silent as I imagined it could be in such an exotic forest at night-time. I steadily stood up to skulk out of the encampment to the nearby shore, with that same silence and darkness as my protective cloak. The sight of an endless sea was a hopeless reminder of complete isolation from what was familiar. To no avail, I tried to communicate with the water elements with calm regret fresh in my mind. Never had I felt so distanced and disconnected from the elements, and it hurled turmoil all across the crevices of my damaged mind. Paranoia had made a nest in my heart and as soon as a simple crack of a breaking branch reached my ears, I was already headed back to the camp. At least there I would be safe, for now.