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Posts posted by Terro/Vincent

  1. 4 minutes ago, McDankus said:


    Does this mean that we will see less transparency between staff and players if staff are adamant to keep 90% of the issues behind a smoke screen to be discussed by themselves? Given there's been enough issues regarding staff taking weeks to respond to a single community problem, I do believe hiding most of your statements/decision making behind a closed door and essentially shut the community out for days on end. 

    Can you retype? That last sentence makes no sense and comes across as more of a statement than a question.


    On a side note, let's keep hyperbolic statements like "90%, Most of, Almost all, etc" without proof to a minimum, that goes for everyone. It's not conducive to a proper discussion.

  2. The plan is to make it an area where the spirits of nature would calm the animals enough to be able to drink from the water from the pond since it's one of the few water sources on the island.The idea is to avoid them getting thirsty or desperate. Some spirit-y stuff around, maybe some vegetation and a few cute critters would be cool. No buildings or anything it's mostly just for the aesthetic (This pond I want to look beautiful)


  3. Trying to make (eventually) a sanctuary of the pond near the giant tree. The plan is to allow plant-life to grow better, animals to be able to approach and drink from the pond without worry (lest they become desperate and dangerous) and for Royce to someday start setting up keepers/tenders faaar in the future.


    I'm willing to sacrifice whatever it takes, fatigue, gravy, etc. I already used all my Essence for it to try and show how serious I am about this.



    This is one of many rituals I'll attempt to get this done.



  4. This could be a fun game, what is your favorite weapon and why?


    I'll start it off with my own personal favorite which may be surprising considering my obsession with paladins and the light: Axes.

    I like axes because they're sort of the bastard child of sword and mace, a blade with the weighted head of a mace in a way, effective against shields, smashing or dismembering limbs and bones, still able to slash through flesh, based on that ideal it's personally one of my preferred weapons.

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  5. Some of you might remember me, some might not, that's fine; I'm pretty forgettable.

    Can't wait to shower the lot of you with affection, assistance,  venerial diseases, and my usual shitpostery.



    I can't wait to get 14 exp the easy way

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