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Posts posted by Dascombe

  1. The Daggerfin



    Recently, the esteemed Baron West has come across a rumour of a particular species of aquatic life which would make a wonderful addition to his mantelpiece of trophies:


    'The Daggerfin'


    Described as a creature capable of swallowing a Gnome whole and luring in it's prey with a lantern-like appendage dangling in front of its mouth to lure prey to their doom.

    As the name suggests, this creature also has a large fin upon its back sharp enough to cut through steel wire and even rend apart the armour of the strongest of warriors whilst its teeth are certainly no less lethal: considered to be sharper than even sewing needles. There is a reason these denizens of Azeroth's seas are known in certain fishing communities as "caught the wrong 'un" as they constitute about 20% of deaths of fishermen in exotic locals such as Tel'Abim and Tanaris despite their rarity.


    But before the baron can seek somewhere to buy diving gear and reconfigure his gun to shoot darts underwater, he needs information on where the creature can be found....


    "250 silver should be enough to get me that information."



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  2. https://youtu.be/CNVomngq-Qc





    When: Friday 19th, 21:30ST ((Let us know if you are going to be late and you can be part of a 'reinforcement' wave!))

    Who: Primarily Grom'Goshar and Drustgarde. Those who turn up ICly and ask will likely be allowed to participate.

    Where: Drustgarde / Egtown and then marching to attack positions




    The time had come


    Rumours had begun to spread of a horrific presence grasping its tendrils of influence around the section of Opej referred to by many as 'Crystal Valley' in an effort to control the powers that lie dormant beneath the steep-sided floors of the mystical region.


    Elementals, previously driven mad already by a malignant force, were now openly hostile and aggressively attacking all that moved and any sentient being that dared enter the area... and furthermore there have been numerous reports of a chained beating onyx heart tethered next to a large unnatural structure which had become known as 'The Spire' to many.


    Recognizing this threat, and in a prophetic manner, the Pyremaster of Grom'Goshar known as Gruk predicted the large rumble that struck the land as the Twilight's Hammer begun their labours within the valley, the Great Quarun mourned for the loss of his brothers and feared they would be fully enslaved if nothing was done.

    Worse still, some have begun to suspect there is a link between the rumblings in the ground and not only the volcano which erupted on the Last Battleground but also what the sailors of Drustgarde encountered beneath the waves with their Naga allies not too long ago.


    Seeking to put a stop to it, both Grom'Goshar and Drustgarde have come together to build bridges and begin the healing process to repair their alliance in order to combat the greater threat that could not only see Opej completely annihilated but quite possibly the rest of the Doldrums to follow soon after.


    Being a shaman and not a tactician, the Pyremaster has sent Stone Guard Ragara Irontooth with a combat plan to Governor Haytham so as to plan an attack that will see the cult of the Twilight's Hammer utterly annihilated and their plans routed so that the denizens of Opej can live to fight another day.


    Whispers on the wind suggest that the forces for this assault shall be gathering at the gates of Fort Drustgarde at night ((21:30ST)) on the friday in two days time. Given the gravity of the situation it would become apparent that even those not directly a part of either Drustgarde or Grom'Goshar may find themselves able to take a place on the battlefield if they speak with the commanders involved.


    Who knows what may befall the combined might of the Horde and the Alliance? The strength of the axe and the anchor?

    Who knows what might happen to Opej'Nor if they fail?






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  3. For those interested i'm holding a sort of OOC / IC competition

    In the same fashion as his idol, Timothy West is publishing a book on his adventures hunting across Opej (Cue 'Green Hills of Stranglethorn Vale)


    I want -YOU- to come up with the book title.


    The one I find the best gets a 50 silver prize and something else quite special (MYSTERY PRIZE)


    Competition ends on the 13th of October (Saturday) at 18:00 server-time.

  4. Protecting the Weak



    Although protecting the innocent and safeguarding the weak is not a particuarly high priority amongst the members of 'The Hunters', it does however cross their minds especially when doing so involves the hunting of two particularly nasty creatures no weaker than the Sand Reaver 'Naraxis' that Timothy West and a few budding volunteers slew the other week.


    The problem is, this time there are two of them, and these creatures operate almost like a hive mind if the Baron's memory of Ahn'Quiraj is correct, making them highly effective killing machines that work closely together.


    Word would begin to spread amongst the refugees of the newly formed 'Tent Town' and possibly even amongst those in Egtown itself that Baron West and his compatriots seek to slay the two sand reavers who have been attacking and killing refugees on the western coast that stray too far from their camp.


    "Tomorrow, at the zeppelin wreckage on the southern rise of Opej. Be there in the evening half way between when the bells strike 6 and the bells strike 7. You shall have your take of the beast's vile corpses afterwards, but consider that you are doing this to help the folks of Opej who are not as skilled at arms as you"


    ((Event at 6:30pm server time to wipe out two of the sand reavers posing a threat to 'Tent Town', meet at the zeppeling wreckage on southern Opej))

    • Like 1




    Baron West

    Race: Human

    Age: 48

    Class: Hunter, Nobleman

    Alleigance: Stormwind, The Alliance, The People of Egtown, Drustgarde (loosely), Good Hunters, The Leo-Lupus Pact

    Languages: Common, High Common, Dwarvern (minimal, basic phrases)



    The Farmhand

    Born to Emilia and Matton West, the young Timothy (or 'Timmy' to neighbours and friends) was a bright-eyed, enthusiastic and laborious young lad who enjoyed nothing more than the open countryside of Westfall be it tending to flocks of sheep, cutting down timber, or doing occasional work down in the kingdom's gold mines.

    Day in day out he'd labour growing taller, stronger and leaner in physique, although poorly educated the young heartthrob of many a maidens across the county none the less was well-liked by townsfolk and had naught an evil bone in his body, always taking his time to help out those less fortunate than his family who made their living off breeding local boars.

    It is at this point that the young West lost his interest in becoming a farmhand, one day he came across his father's gun cabinet in the farmhouse which he was now tall enough to reach... pulling back on the flintlock he ran a hand down the barrel, a life long fascination with firearms formed that day even though the weapon was just a crude blunderbuss. Though without realizing what he was doing, he left the loaded weapon on his lap to fiddle around with the firing mechanism only to set it off.

    Chunks of lead shot flew out of the window, many of which penetrated the crude plaster which made up the farmhouse walls. Outside lay one of the family boars, breathing heavily from it's fatal wounds which had sprayed the entire left side of it's body.. it's yellow hide now a bloody matted red. The young west had at this point already slaughtered many boars in the line of the family business but something was wrong about this... it was unwanted, unessecary... he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife to end the boar's suffering... the image of the boar lying in it's own blood would stay with him for many years.

    Years would pass, the boy growing into a young man with a fair amount of silver in his pocket from his family's business which had been intended to send him to college further north in Lordaeron to study economics and business amongst the most brilliant minds in Azeroth... though that would eventually not come to pass.


    The Huntsman At War


    Word of the 'Orcs' spread like wildfire... much in the same way as their destruction did as well. Private West at this point had enlisted within the Stormwind Army as a rifleman and joined a small company of Dwarvern riflemen sent from the neighbouring kingdom of Ironforge. He had only seen few of them in Westfall, often as sole blacksmiths and merchants bringing goods from the north. Here he learned a true appreciation for Dwarvern ales, learned a small amount of Dwarvern language but most importantly he gained knowledge on the maintenance and care of his firearm, it was as though it were a friend and companion to him.

    Further to his skill with repairing his gun also came his reputation as a sharpshooter, he would actively encourage amongst his compatriots to go on Orcish 'hunting trips' throughout the lands of Grand Hamlet and even Elwynn Forest when their approach grew closer and closer to Stormwind. Eventually the 'huntsman', as his Dwarvern comrades referred to him as, started devising extremely vicious traps for the Orcs from sharpened pitfalls to improvised bear traps.

    Despite this though, the capital was sacked and the retreating forces fled north with the refugees.


    In Exile

    The loss of the capital was seen as a minor inconvenience to Private West, seeing the Orcs as nothing more than unruly house guests who have overstayed their welcome. In the lands of Lordaeron he took to trapping and hunting to feed and financially support his parents who lost everything in Westfall.

    Years would pass, and despite the Alliance victory at Blackrock Spire and the start of what would become known as the 'Rebuilding', the West family remained in Southshore for many more years as Orcish prisoners were brought to work in new camps such as Durnholde and what would later become known as 'Hammerfall'.

    Demoralized and beaten, many thought that the Orcish menace was done for as it deteriorated within the camps, their will and strength sapped... but after a short while resistance groups and warbands would crop out from the wilds, freeing their blackblooded kin who would then proceed to sack parts of the countryside.



    It was during the raid upon Hammerfall that Emilia and Matton West lost their lives, amongst the shattered and torn corpses Timothy West could scarcely identify his parents until coming across a sack between two such corpses which contained bundled boar hides... it was here that he knew he had found them.

    His two parents were buried in the graveyard just outside Southshore at a rather small and modest grave after they had been transported from the Arathi Highlands, his loathing of the greenskin menace at this point knew no bounds... but he knew what his parents wished and so with the remainder of his funds he enrolled in one of the colleges of Lordaeron to study business and economics, all the while hunting and trapping creatures across the northern kingdoms of the continent, in doing so he would find himself passively 'hob nobbing' with the rich and wealthy, becoming highly connected and making powerful and influential friends as he educated lords and ladies in the way of the hunt.


    Lord of the Hunt

    What became known as the 'Third War' was more of a petty squabble between multiple kingdoms in the north, a few peasants coughing and Orcs getting rowdy somewhere out of sight and out of mind as far as Timothy West was concerned... though during these tumultuous years a number of threats began to appear within the kingdom of Stormwind itself including the rise of what would become known as the 'Defias Brotherhood', the death of Queen Tiffin, the kidnapping of King Varian Wrynn, the resurgence of the Blackrock Clan in Redridge as well as the land of Brightwood being beset by a curse.

    "All problems that can be solved with good precision sports hunting" the sharpshooter famously proclaimed as he ventured across all the counties of Stormwind to rid them of their problems one bullet at a time.

    He became renowned for his slaying of Worgen in Duskwood, maintaining strong links with the church in the capital who fed him a steady supply of truesilver bullets as his rifle echoed across the dark forests.

    In Redridge his reputation as an Orc hunter returned as spikes were formed on Lakeshire's bridge to proudly display his latest victorious hunt to deter further Orc attacks

    Across Westfall he dismantled harvest reapers with precision accuracy, shot dead fleshrippers and is renowned for his one-man defence of the 'Dead Acre' where he reportedly held off an entire swarm of Defias renegades seeking the famed hunter's head using only his rifle, two boxes of ammunition, a gnomish cigarette lighter and a fine set of kitchen knives bought by the previous owner on Queen Tiffin's coronation day.

    In Elwynn, the hunter made his name helping the locals as he knew the lay of the land across the kingdom be it solving 'missing person' queries with his expertise as a tracker, picking off Murloc tribes encroaching lumber operations, or assisting with taming the local wildlife for aspiring hunters.

    Through these efforts combined he was granted the title of 'Lord' West by the ruling Council of Nobles in Stormwind, this title offered him a plot of land in the north western reaches of Westfall where his family farm used to be, and with his newfound title came with his heraldry.



    A rampant red boar, bloody and fierce even in it's death throes, he recalled the image so vividly from his youth as if the creature was still in front of him.


    The Abandonment of Politics

    Following his ventures within the county, the newly appointed lord took his skills around the land as a crack shot hunter and a fierce fighter to boot.

    In Ahn'Quiraj he hunted the skittering minions of the old gods for their claws and carapaces, in Blackwing Lair he left with drake tongues and bags of dragonscales, in the Molten Core he strode off with core hound teeth and in Naxxaramas he scoured the undead legions for whatever trophies he could find.



    And still it wasn't enough, an endless pursuit caught grip of him. Where others would seek titles, gold or the acquisition of rare artefacts, the huntsman sought only that of trophies and the glory of the hunt.

    Having brought ruin to a great many of the kingdom's threats (intentionally or otherwise), Lord West was made 'Baron' of all Westfall by the young Prince Anduin himself, a proud day indeed if it were not for the fact that during the entire ceremony the Baron had only the thought of prey in Stranglethorn on his mind and a 'quick jolly' through Zul'Gurub before tea to snag it's high priest's heads into a sack.

    As soon as the portal to 'Outland' surged with new life the Baron was one of the first through the portal, kicking and shoving other seasoned hunters bearing Dragonstalker or Cryptstalker armour out of the way in order to be the one to 'bag' all that there was to shoot in this shattered realm.

    It is quite an easy claim for any other combatant in Outland to have seen Baron West or even conversed with him as he shot, stabbed and bludgeoned with the butt end of his rifle across all the broken and torn regions of the land, amassing a pile of animal carcasses second only to the famed Nesingwary himself.

    Through this time, his duties became sullied... he was absent a great many times from the Council chambers of Stormwind and only really came back to offer his congratulations to the return of King Varian Wrynn prior to the Northrend campaign... but even loyalty to his crown did not dare get in the way of his bloodlust.

    As soon as the Scourge made its presence known, the 'Bloody Boar' as he became known (in part due to his reputation -and- his heraldry) made his way to Northrend, shooting and blasting his way across ice caps, avalances, fjords and vast frozen tundra.


    A Whole New World

    Few if any know truely how the esteemed Baron ended up in the Doldrums.

    Rumors say that he grew bored of hunting all there was on azeroth and from the new rare tales of these mystical new isles such as 'Opej' he sought them out deliberately.

    Others say it was a magical mishap... the hunter famed for his distrust of the arcane sought an easier way to move his trophy collection around and got dumped off in the Doldrums through a portal.

    Others say mystical forces brought him here, seeking to unleash his lust for the hunt upon the unsuspecting wildlife and locals of the archipelago.


    Regardless of how he got here, like a great many people he is stuck here, quite possibly forever. Never to return to his lands, never to listen to another five hour long 'session' of the House of Nobles, never to ceremonially cut the ribbon to a new butcher's shop anywhere on the continent, never to attend another tedious book signing.



    And that sounds -just- the way he likes it.




    The Baron is a rather smartly dressed individual. Of particular note is his seemingly 'trademark' pith helmet which he is rarely seen without, even when running around topless for exercise.

    The rest of his clothing is rather neat and crisp... rather unusual for someone who spends a great amount of time out in the jungle and doubly so considering there are few if any laundering facilities out in the Doldrums.

    Upon his person are various pockets and pouches, namely as part of his hunting jacket, these contain an assortment of handy little tools and reagents which are essential for surviving in the jungle such as field dressing for both animals and humans, extra ammunition for his gun on extended hunts, small steel tools for disassembling and cleaning his gun, multiple cartridges for different purposes (often referring to these out loud in the field such as a 'Number 3' cartridge), a tin of moustache wax, a skinning knife, a serrated 'combat' knife, and a silver cigar case.

    The man himself appears dour and in an almost permanently grumpy state unless he either sees a glass of brandy within arm's reach or has recently murdered an animal. Despite getting on in years he remains in a relatively peak physical condition: lean and muscular.


    New Appearance

    Following his encounter with his doppleganger, later revealed to be an admirer of the name 'Ian', Baron West no longer wears his trademarked pith helmet as it now lies in the possession of Ian's ghost after the Baron fatally wounded him in a duel.

    His clothing has somewhat improved during his time on Opej'nor, the leather armour he wears stalking the jungle appears to be padded and cushioned in various parts to allow for resistance to crushing blows from clubs and maces. This attire seems well suited to hunting as it contains numerous pouches, pockets, straps and bandoliers for ammunition, small vials, skinning knives and other assorted items for surviving the jungle such as fire steels and pocket guides.




    Aggressive_leader.png Xenephobic - The Baron is extraordinarily xenophobic to a number of races (even those considered part of the Alliance) this varies drastically from rather casual racism / arrogance to all out hatred. Strangely this is sometimes overcome if the other party is a hunter with what he considers to be 'good morals' in hunting.

    Inspiring_leader.png Nobility - And boy does he like to remind you of it. Despite being somewhere nobility has little to no meaning, he insists most if not all those he encounters refer to him by his title even though they are under no obligation to do so. Also causes him to have a superiority complex to those of a 'lesser' vocation (peasants)

    Scarred.png Expert Marksman - And boy does he know it. The man is a crack shot with his gun and is constantly honing and improving his skill at it.

     Hunter.png Trapper - Often spots the panthers in the grass before they even catch a sniff of him. If there is an animal he isn't familiar it he quickly attempts to learn its habits and traits so as to be able to overcome it.

    Brave.png Stark Raving Mad - Possibly the noble titles going to his head... the man openly threatens / attempts to intimidate those bigger, stronger or simply those that have more friends with knives stood by them, the man truly has absolutely no self-preservation instinct. It is apparent from those familiar with their particular magics that this is old school madness and not some old god affliction.

    Jungle_terrain_leader.png Jungle Goer - One too many treks to Stranglethorn Vale for a 'hunting afternoon' mean he is well suited to jungle environments. Likely the reason he barely leaves Opej.


    New Traits

    Mystic.png Magically Suspicious - During his time on Opej'Nor, Baron West has been a witness to many calamities on the isle which have mostly been traced back to various magical artefacts, gemstones or crystals being used recklessly. He is now somewhat cautious of mages and magic-users in general and shows an utter distain and hatred for usage of powerful artefacts.

    Cynical.png Tolerance - The Baron, during his time on Opej, has come to view a great many of the Horde's more 'savage' races as being noble hunters due to various interactions with them on hunting parties. As such although there is some initial animosity, he will not outright hunt down and shoot Horde races recklessly as he once did.





    Hi folks


    As many of you know and are aware, Unknown Shores is currently going through a drastic lull, I personally won't sugarcoat it, the first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging one (or possibly several) exist. This has caused problems on past servers where the problems were ignored, brushed under the carpet or outright denied. This is a means to prevent that from happening.


    The above document currently lists the issues facing the server.


    I will stress that this document is by default completely and totally anonymous, simply send me a message on discord or via a forum PM and I will ensure that your concerns are put down to paper.

    This is to ensure that the players get the chance to voice their concerns if they are shy, timid or perhaps feel like a shroud of anonymity will give people that boost needed to make themselves heard.


    If you wish to have your name tagged onto the end of one of the concerns, please do so and I can make your name public on them.


    Please if there is a concern of yours already written down then please still inform me and I can keep a tally of those sharing the same concern. Don't just think "I'll say nothing as it's already been mentioned"... PLEASE repeat it!


    If you have suggestions as to how to fix these concerns please also let me know and these can be included.



    If you have something regarding transparency (something I am personally working very hard to address, hence this thread) please comment on this thread:


    For feedback, Critique and Suggestions, please comment on this thread:


    For general brainstorming, please comment on this thread:



    Alternatively if you are feeling a bit down about the server, although it is not my position to act as an 'agony aunt' by any means, please drop me a message on discord as I would genuinely love to hear your concerns and issues. The best way to solve things like this is to have a dialogue and to get talking and discussing... not to shunt off between the 'them and us' of staff and players.


    Thank you.

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  7. Tremors




    Local rumor around Egtown speaks of a new creature, one that causes hesitation even amongst the other beasts of Opej. A creature that haunts not the tall cliffs of Mount Opej nor the jungle canopy itself... but the once safe sands of the island's beaches.

    "'Sand Reavers' they're called." Baron West says with disgust, casually waving around a cigar from his silver case

    He points out towards the desolate beaches of Opej, specifically he highlights the stoney outcrops

    "Large chintinous killing machines, there've been travellers and passer bys who've strayed to close to their little nests and see, they can feel you coming. They can sense what's going on through the ground. Probably why they stay clear of Egtown seeing as they know there's so many in here... but a lone wanderer? That's a nice little snack"


    Lighting the cigar, he peers over at one rock in particular, short yet elongated. He takes a long drag on the cigar.


    "See something like that one over there near the graveyard, good spot for one of them. Thing is going it alone i'll end up slaughtered myself. I enjoy a challange but I'm no fool"


    He slings his rifle over his shoulder


    "Tell them all, tell everyone. I care not at this point if it's an Orc or an Elf that brings a bow or a gun

    This wednesday, at nine tolls of the bell in the centre of Egtown, have them bring their weapons... ideally at least one fully armoured up to take the brunt of the beating... and maybe a healer or two..."


    He takes a long drag just as the interested party starts to walk and makes one last utterance


    "Oh, and folks best claim 'bagsies' on trophies before hand... the creature's barb is mine"





    [EVENT TIME. 9PM SERVER TIME IN THE MIDDLE OF EGTOWN. These things are CR43 so ideally we want at a guess 8-10 players minimum to take it down. Preferably with a healer and a tank in tow. If players have a specific trophy off the beast they would like to acquire (Heart, claw, eye etc) they are to inform the Baron beforehand]


  8. Builder's Workshop Teaser Thread



    Quick thread of builder's posting a few teaser shots of their current works.

    Discuss amongst yourselves, we won't tell you what it is ;)


    Just so folks know builders are actually doing stuff right now! Nice and transparent for folks to get a 'behind the scenes' teaser peek






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  9. All Hail The King



    Ripples emanated from the edges of Opej as it strode, trees creaked and groaned without it even touching them, and the sand upon the beaches left craters where its feet and hands had once trodden.  Machompa' was his name, and 'King' was the title he had falsely claimed.




    The brave Baron West had woken, managing somehow to sleep through the creature's stomps as it approached Egtown. As the beast communed in a basic and simple tongue with Governor Haysham who was attempting to placate it, the Baron made his threats known to the beast and let fire a warning shot to try to scare the beast. The creature, as tall as a stone keep, simply lobbed insults at the Baron... though the Baron would wish it were only insults it lobbed, as the vile being reached down and plucked one of the palisades making up the town wall as though it were but a splinter and flicked it over to the Baron who, much to his fortune, got away with the chunk of fortification smashing into his left arm and shoulder leaving it shattered in several places.

    As the Baron left through the side door of Egtown, clutching his arm, the Kul'Tirans of Drustgarde attempted to salvage the situation the Baron had left behind, though this huge beast was not fooled and with his peripheral vision spotted West leaving Egtown towards the jungle. The beast bounded with unnatural speed towards the hunter who, upon turning around, simply fell backwards as 'Machompa' brought his mighty fist into the sky. The beast demanded that the hunter recognize him as King of the Jungle which west promptly refused, almost bringing ire and instant death upon him, until he (unwittingly) pointed out that Golveldbarad was the true king (or rather 'queen') of the Jungle.




    This caused the great ape to pause in hesitation, he queried the hunter in broken and basic common as to who this 'Golveldbarad' was, to which Timothy told him it was a great Devilsaur which roamed the western reaches of the isle. Still refusing to admit to the ape's claim to kingship, Timothy thought he had simply annoyed the creature into storming off... until about half an hour later the beast returned to Egtown only to drop a monumental carcass in front of the town for all to witness:




    There she lay, Golveldbarad, stripped of her majesty and glory whilst bruised, cut and gored by the beast's horns and fists.... seemingly to make a point the great ape tore off Golveldbarad's head with his bare fists and proceeded to devour the head in it's entirity, a feat which made Timothy sick to his stomach. Much though the image was worrying for many: the creature having slain a Devilsaur single-handedly, he did not do so without injury. Many would notice that one of the beast's large horns was snapped off and large bite marks covered his body, the Queen of Opej had clearly put up a savage fight... much so that the usurper 'King' was severely-wounded rather than healthy as he was earlier


    Realizing earlier from Miss Thistleton that the townsfolk had been placating the creature and playing along with the ruse of being it's 'subjects' so they could better formulate a plan to defeat it, the Baron simply stared at the bloody corpse of the devilsaur as 'Machompa' repeated his earlier query if he was king. The Baron gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw so hard that one of his rear molar shattered and bled profusely... admitting reluctantly to the creature's claim of Kingship over Opej'Nor.


    The great ape made a final demand of the people of Egtown before he left: for his 'subjects' to build him a shrine from the remaining carcass of Golveldbarad within the township.


    Grasping his gun with his left hand which remained uninjured, he began to spread words amongst the people of Opej'Nor and beyond:


    "The [Ancient Seed] I acquired a few days ago will go to whomever forms a hunting party that helps me -KILL- that monster... I care not if they are man or woman, Orc or Human, that 'King' needs to die"


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    The Spirit of Prey


    Deep within Opej, the esteemed Baron Von West has come across a rather unlikely ally: An Elf by the name of Lethorian Nightbreeze who was once one of the Elven farstriders of the ill fated expedition into Outland, the two shared a brief exchange over some target practice.

    Although the two had drastically different hunting styles: Nightbreeze choosing the bow and aspousing the practices of preservation of the wilds whilst West chose the gun and the reckless abandon of the endless hunt, the two none the less got on extraordinarily well.

    Taking the Baron to the area previously referred to as 'The Sanctuary' and known across Opej as 'The Pond', the baron was amazed to discover the amount of wildlife living in harmony in the area. Most of the creatures present represented herbivores, prey and other creatures far down on the food chain... but it is astounding how so many had survived so long on an isle renowned for it's incredibly hostile and predatory wildlife.


    Then the answer appeared in a flicker




    'Leafety' it called itself... and although West was wary of the creature, Nightbreeze reassured him that the being was likely that of a trickster... a forest sprite.

    The creature informed them that it was the one responsible for the creation of the haven, going so far as to shock West by imitating a perfect cry of an adolescent devilsaur, when queried as to their presence the two hunters informed the spirit that they meant no harm... after all Tim had bigger fish to fry and the animals around the pond did not present a worthy challenge or even a threat.




    The sprite then offered a deal to the duo, stating that it would grant power in exchange for a gift. Seeking initially to humor the creature, Baron West was curious and this curiosity led him to do the unthinkable: part with one of his trophies. He offered the creature his treasured [Devilsaur Eye] which he had claimed from the first devilsaur he shot on these isles.


    Seemingly within a glimmer, the sprite produced in it's hands an [Ancient Seed] which he granted to the hunter, a gift seemingly wasted on the magically deaf and ignorant Baron. Though his new hunting companion Nightbreeze could sense the power within the ancient seed and spoke of the tales of the great World Trees that elven kind lived upon.

    Realising what he had come across, the Baron safely stowed it away, thinking of what he can do with it next.




    Though one thing is for certain, the Baron and his compatriots have now pledged to not only avoid hunting the creatures of the area known as the 'Pond' but also to protect it from those who would seek the annihilation of the creatures seeking sanctuary there be they man or beast.





    ((OOC: Lethorian Nightbreeze has joined 'The Hunters' as one of the bloodied. The hunter's code has been updated to reflect the pledge made to defend the area previously known as 'The Sanctuary'. The acquisition of the rare and powerful [Ancient Seed] has left Timothy wondering what to do with it, perhaps individuals may be able to persuade him to use it in a particular way? Though he is careful not to keep it on his person for obvious reasons.))



    The Big One: 'Golveldbarad'




    Following a brief hiatus over in Kolai to wrestle sharks, Baron West has had some R&R in between slaughtering vast quantities of the Opej'Nor ecosystem and decimating the wildlife elsewhere in the Doldrums.

    However, word has reached him of vast herds of beasts that terrorized ground, sea and air alike and so he has packed his ammo, put back on his pith helmet, and made his way back to Opej.


    Stalking through the jungle, he came upon the creature he sought to kill. At a distance he could spot the coloration and signs of sexual dimorphism: a female. 


    He came to name her "Golveldbarad" which, in High Common, meant 'Thunderstomp'. An appropriate name given her demenor when thundering around the part of Opej she frequented.


    Though he has the know-how, skill, and expertise to take her down... what the baron lacks is numbers...

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  12. 2 hours ago, Bob Ross said:

    I suggest doing things that people have to think about, not just "I'm a mage and I want to make a big spell"... Think a group of savages that need help finding or digging up a magma chamber so they can sacrifice naked hotties to their volcano god. That'd be fun.

    *Scribbles down notes frantically*

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    Onto the main points though:


    #1 You mention the Gyreworm and demon cave (focusing more on the former than the latter here as the demon cave is a diff kettle of fish) why is it that the staff involved in these cases were not allowed to view the event logs relevant to them? How exactly are newly-promoted Keepers able to do anything if they cannot review the area they are looking to do an event? Interestingly in the case of the former not only is the Gyreworm lore-wise a creature from Deepholme (something you contradicted both ICly and OOCly, not so bothered about the former but the latter just shows ignorance of lore) but also this event was discussed quite a while ago and there not only was no mention from the GM in question (understandable given you don't seem to allow them full lore access?) but also this event was apparently not logged properly otherwise you should have been able to review it and flag up the fact that this GM had mistakenly yet correctly labelled the Gyreworm as being a creature of the elements.

    Now you may be thinking i'm blowing this drastically out of proportion, and in any other given circumstance you would be right, however we were looking to revive this creature (a quest given to us by a GM) and the fact that it went from a creature of the Elemental plane to a construct of Highborn creation (correct me if i'm wrong here, reading the conversation logs we had) -just- as we were turning up to investigate the creature's lair smacks of suspicion... especially given that our guild looking to do such has no grasp of Highborn magics yet has a number of shaman in it, this lore 180 pretty much puts us in a position where we are forced to negotiate with another guild from a weak standpoint. 


    #2 We clearly have drastically different ideas of what constitutes a good member of staff on the basis of the following:

    We haven't refused anyone who was "perfectly qualified" for the job. Being "perfectly qualified" includes but is not limited to: Providing quality roleplay, following the server actively, being able to work with the staff we have, not being prone to punishment in game or on discord, having the ability of handling the requirements of the position at hand (tickets for helpers, etcetera).

    (I get the 'not limited' to bit here provides you with a comeback but lets deal with what you've provided for now)

    I'll use myself as an example here and i'm going to try to be modest here and state things from a factual point of view:

    Providing good quality roleplay: I have (had) a total of 5 characters on US consisting of Baron West (Hunter), Hobo (Hobo), Grettik (Archaeologist), Dascombe (Kul'Tiran) and Gruk (Orc Pyremaster)

    Out of those five, there is one in which I didn't really RP with many people and that is my namesake 'Dascombe' (though I RP'd with Cudn quite a bit on him), I'm sure quite a few people would vouch for that fact that on each one of these I have been participating in quite a few plots to the servers and taking steps back on frequent occasions in order to allow other players to participate in a number of facets. Nothing I hate more than IC 'spotlight' hoggers and people standing by as voiceless guards in meetings (tried to avoid that where humanly possible)

    So i've provided quality roleplay. I think we can both agree that I followed the server actively as I post frequently on discord, I am one of the rare creatures known as 'forum users' and I have quite an active in-game presence. 

    Working with the staff you have? Am curious as to how this is a basis for an application considering to 'work' with the staff you have you must surely already be a member of staff within that team? I would appreciate some further elaboration on this point as it seems rather circular in it's logic. (Observation, not a criticism)

    Not being prone to punishment in-game or on discord. I'm sure in this circumstance I have been handed a total of 1 (one) discord mutes and well, it is strange as on the basis of it many others should also have (continuing after being told to 'stop') i've had no in-game bans, no kicks off discord, no other warnings formal or informal. It appears to, rather strangely, be on the basis of past behavior on other servers which, considering who we actually have playing on the server, sounds a bit odd especially considering you did not want people talking about past members of previous servers in a negative light you are more than happy to do so when it comes to an application process?

    Regardless I have moved on since then and acknowledge the points (odd that they are) levied against me.


    #3 The "I won't do anything to my characters to avoid OOC issues" circumstance.

    This is odd, you claim to have read my 'goodbye' thread where I provided numerous suggestions / ways around this and yet here you are standing firm and defiant in the fact of mounting and snowballing criticisms which, as the days go by, seem more and more valid the stronger it's opposition grows.

    But seeing as how you seem to be ignoring such remarks, i'll paste them here for you:


    "Might this be misconstrued in anyway?" "Can stepping back here resolve a lot of problems later down the line?"


    You stand firmly in this camp of 'my character would never do this ICly' for the sake of preserving IC against OOC which, admittedly seems quite a noble goal but I put to you the following:

    Have  you thought about these issues and simply thought "I can pull this 'my character wouldn't back out from this ICly' excuse later down the line and continue down this path"? Because looking into it that certainly appears to be the case.

    Honestly you are making out like it is something incredibly different but we do it all the time:

    • People flock to certain areas to get interaction even though their characters are ICly recluses
    • Guards flock to the defence of their guild master's who have cried for help in chat using the "(S)He was taking too long" excuse
    • Players will swarm to rumors which is, ultimately, an OOC mechanic in order to get the latest event 'gossip'

    It is nothing out of the ordinary to use OOC to influence a character ICly, so what is there to stop staff members from doing the same?


    For example if I became staff I would either not do events for Grom'Goshar in their entirety (going so far as to not interact with the members completely on a GM account) or I would revoke Gruk's position as an officer in that guild (Easy: "I need time to meditate and commune with the elements"). In this same example I would also take a few minutes to look at events I DM and think

    "Might this some how trace itself's back to the guild in which I am an officer? Does this offer that guild any benefits directly or indirectly?"




    PS: Sorry to hear about Eamane and the guild thing, honestly I tried to intervene on Grettik to get you some IC work that your character archtype would have enjoyed but was waiting for quite a while regarding the ruins acquisition. There's only so much work an explorer can give when everywhere has been explored in-game :(

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