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Help required: Abilities & Essence

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Hello! New player here. I have encountered a problem. (I think) You see, while I was messing around with abilities, it let me forget them. So I picked a few to try them out, but when I decided I did not quite enjoy them, it did not let me forget them! When I click on them, no option is there. Either it is completely unexistant, or it tells me I have already learned the maximum class abilities. As such, I was wondering if this is intentional.


On another note, how does one gain back Essence? I unknowingly spent it all, and it does not seem to come back.

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Greetings! Essence recovers over time, four hours per essence currently.

If you are below 750 XP you may type .rpg reset and it will clear all of your abilities and attributes so you can fix any errors starting out, otherwise you can forget one ability every 2 days.

I hope this helps, ensure you join our Discord as well!

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