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Posts posted by Terra

  1. I had this idea today: add "special" items. With this, I mean you could create them somehow (maybe class-specific, so not everyone can make everything?) and it allows you to power-up in combat or you could, for example, exchange it with a Keeper (if they so desire) for some special effect. A few examples I thought of were: soul shards / soul gems for warlocks, vision gumbo for shamans (Like those things they drink to get visions), whetstones for warriors…

    As always, I do not expect it to be implemented in any way, but it's not bad to give ideas, yes?

  2. Ah, the ruthless reality. 

    Well, I was so enthralled by the idea that I  did not stop to think of the population. But I did not think of it being… 5 different specs. Rather, two only (At least for now). One that gives pure benefit but they're lower and one that gives good benefit but also high risk or side-effects (For example Order VS Disorder kind of thing), since it offers a bit of a twist.


    Anyways, even if it does not come into being, at least the idea is there. 😆

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  3. I have just thought about this: I know it would be a lot of extra work (possibly even a whole revamp), but maybe Mystic could later on be "specialized" based on classes? Make it specific to caster classes? (Would make lore sense idk)

    I say this because this just struck me today: no matter how mystic both of them are, a warlock or mage isn't going to make a rune or potion the same way a shaman/druid does: their principles vary greatly.


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  4. That is why they are unique, though, no? And that's exactly why I said they're only reimbursable under certain conditions: IE after 2 hours have passed, you can not turn them back and they must stay as they are. Yet I understand that may be hard to code.

  5. Though I must admit I have not quite thought about the negative implications it may bring with it, I have pondered about the Productivity Tokens, and I have reached a conclusion: Allow them to be reimbursed (1 productivity per token, of course. Or 0,5 so it's got a consequence. Or something, you decide what). Maybe only until a certain condition has been met, so that you can't accidentally buy more than needed and be stuck with them.

  6. Hello! New player here. I have encountered a problem. (I think) You see, while I was messing around with abilities, it let me forget them. So I picked a few to try them out, but when I decided I did not quite enjoy them, it did not let me forget them! When I click on them, no option is there. Either it is completely unexistant, or it tells me I have already learned the maximum class abilities. As such, I was wondering if this is intentional.


    On another note, how does one gain back Essence? I unknowingly spent it all, and it does not seem to come back.

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