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  1. 2 points
    A.N.T.M.A.N 2.0 Salutations folks! Welcome to the DM campaign i'm running which although it doesn't really have a name as of yet I think throwing a name based on the machine players will be using in-game is appropriate. As a heads up i'll be looking to make this thread as spoiler-free as possible so that you are all pleasantly surprised by what you see in-game as its been worked on for quite a while now so we'll start off with a few pointers: 1.) No screenshots please This event is made so that everyone can participate in it regardless of level so please don't go posting pics of it in the screenshot thread to ruin the surprise. If you want to see what the campaign is like, get involved! 2.) No spoilers BY all means relay information to your fellow adventurers ICly but please don't go messaging each other on discord with what's been going on inside the campaign 3.) No harsh deaths This campaign (as most of my stories are) are based around creative out-of-the-box thinking. Ergo if you do something utterly stupid and careless you will face death or very serious injuries. This is the only 'warning' you will receive. 4.) No cross-contamination This campaign will contain an element of base-building and as such there is a means by which you can gather resources. That having been said there is a clearly quite IC reason for not bringing back a thousand units of Hardwood which -will- result in character death if you attempt it. The same also applies with anyone caught taking resources into the campaign. There are storage chests inside and outside the campaign for you to store things (as well as the bank NPC just outside the workshop) 5.) Take turns The campaign runs on a 'first come first serve' basis for 5-person teams of adventurers. That having been said the lead NPC has made it clear that glory is something best spread around rather than hogged so if you weren't able to get in on one 'dive' then form a group and try again! 6.) Craft and Combat Although combat will feature in this campaign, there are elements to it as well that will require base-building and problem solving techniques. In addition to this do not be surprised if those points you put in engineering you thought were useless turn out to be -very- useful after all! There is at least one puzzle in this campaign designed to test each non-magical skill set! 7.) Time Cap Each 'dive' into this campaign will be capped. This is due to my IRL sleeping habits needing cut back and also to prevent an event becoming a long drawn out early-hours bore fest. These are designed to be quick in-and-out campaign drops that folks can jump into on a short time frame. I'm looking at no more than 2hrs per 'drop' as a hard cap. 8.) Time Zones If you are in a timezone that makes it difficult for you to attend events regularly, please do inform me and I will make what provisions I can to arrange for a 'dive' on a weekend at a time suited to you. This is being ran on a 'no character gets left behind' basis 9.) Trial by Fire As many of you may be aware, this is my first campaign as a DM and am still getting to grips with the system and how it works. Conversely if you are new to Unknown Shores and are struggling with the systems please do say so and the pace can be altered to help you cope better. After every DM campaign I do is concluded i'll be running a feedback thread for players asking for what they thought was good and bad about the event and how it can be improved each time. Self-improvement is the best way to push forward with the server's general progression. If you have questions about how the event is ran or anything else of a technical nature, please comment below or message me on discord and i'll get back to you as soon as possible! Good luck, adventurers!