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Everything posted by Skeleton

  1. Skeleton

    [Feedback] Critique and Suggestions

    Not sure where they kill these Meters, in LFR ? go check warcraftlogs, and the hunters are all BM hunters where weapon dmg doesn't matter Next thing yeah, warriors have all that utility but do we have WP for all the spells we need ? no we don't you as a mage go WP for dmg plus the extra spell stuff, love how you forgot that burgeoning rage also increases dmg taken, and once again for ogre is useless w/o high WP. Not to mention the buffs/debuffs you use on mage, and you saying it's so much weaker I didn't see that apart from fully buffed obliterate, and do none of you guys use Focused burn ? and warriors do need to move from target to target they need to damage. Also i wanna see a warrior healing as much as mages. Talking bout regular warriors not 7k EXP 8 in all stat warrior that can heal dmg and everything, hell at that point mages can do the same if they take different abilities. EDIT: I will stop responding after this cos I forget nothing can change your opinion. But yeah this is mine, as i've played mage and I can see it's advantages
  2. Skeleton

    [Feedback] Critique and Suggestions

    It takes this hunter a fair bit of turns before he can hit 600, while you can do 500 aswell, I could do 350 on my mage with 1.5k exp so not sure what you're doing there @Alex at the start of Every single expansion warriors/dks/paladins are down on DPS meter , and it is balanced as they need weapons and stuff to get their increase. You saying it's bad at balance means literally nothing as you haven't tried balancing stuff for big amounts of people " Hey lets buff mages so they can nuke fighters down even faster in PVP " yeah ... that isn't a good idea. You as mages already have utility such as heals/purge/buffs that dont need to be stacked to 10 to be useful.
  3. Skeleton

    [Feedback] Critique and Suggestions

    YOu won't have big fights where people are allowed to battle cry, let them cry to 3 you do purge on prio targets rip, and What I said was true warriors were shit at start of xpack in raiding casters are doing the work, right now warriors can compete and they nerf/buff around pvp much more than they do for PVE
  4. Skeleton

    [Feedback] Critique and Suggestions

    Just on the subject of Warriors and Hunters doing that much Damage, if you take 600 from either well then you're not doing something right, if you're talking about PVE then why is that an issue? It is always like that in every game in every system that Casters-> Fighters in the early game and once Fighters start getting gear they do more than casters, I still bet that Friandir can probably nuke me without me doing much to him. And this "600 and such things, happen when the person has Battle Cry X " Good luck getting that when you're pvping with someone ( which balancing should be made around not some 20 man event where you can buff to your hearts content) I mean yesterday I hit a person that had 6k HP for 1.5k Damage with ATK order, Bcry X, and Burg Rage that had about 9 turns of ticking... which yeah would never happen if I wasn't allowed to try it.
  5. Skeleton

    House Rykker

    Well, Thanks, couldn't have said it better myself. Also yes feel free to approach at any time we are rather friendly ^^
  6. Skeleton

    House Rykker

    Well we had no other name for the guild so yeah ...
  7. Skeleton

    House Rykker

    Not necessarily as some of the people I Play with are quite new and this is the easiest story that I could come up with that would fit us. Also it is not one of the things you saw on other phases servers and such it isn't a noble house or anything just a common family that crashed together and works together. So i wouldn't say it's the best thing I could come with but it's okay.
  8. Skeleton

    House Rykker

    Well That's all six of us that have pledged to the guild.