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  1. Stenqvist

    RPG Patch v3.3.5

    With the update to 7.3.5 getting closer, we have a moment to alter the current version of the RPG, before resuming work on V4. In this list of proposed changes, we've chosen to address the most glaring issues we could without reworking large portions of RPG. We mainly focused on the viability mixed stat builds, rebalanced a few options that were out of line, and reworked shields as something with a specific purpose. These changes come from a team discusson on what we think are the most glaring issues. However, we'd like to hear the thoughts of the community before we move to implement them! This thread will remain open until the changes are finalized, and we'll edit the main post accordingly. Changes AI A rework planned on how the AI chooses its targets in turns, rather than just going for whoever has the lowest HP, the AI manager will look at the stats of the NPC and make an informed decision based on the available targets. NPCs with worse stats will be "dumber" about their decision making process, as they have less information to work with, while stronger NPCs will try to be more optimal. This would allow variation between NPC types and perhaps even changing of their tactics during the fight, if conditions change. New Abilities Intervene - 15 Energy Charge and try to break Target's other engages via Contested Strength Check. Counts as a Move action. Requires a shield. - Intervene is an ability used by Strength-focused tanks to pull targets off of their allies. Works especially well if you guard the round before. Retaliate - 10+X energy, 3 round cooldown Consume all remaining energy, then Self Buff, retaliate all attacks for (X+DEX)*2.5 damage for 1 turn. Requires a shield. - Retaliate is an ability intended for use by Dexterity focused shield users, returning damage to anyone that hits them. Works incredibly well against targets that attack many times, and the energy scaling rewards planning ahead. Vigilance - 14 Energy, 5 round cooldown. Ranged Cleave Debuff, All damage done by those currently engaged to Target is reduced by (Strength + Dexterity) * 3% for 2 turns. Requires a shield. - Vigilance is an ability that can be used by either Strength or Dexterity focused tanks, but performs optimally when used by a mixed Str/Dex build. It provides a strong damage debuff to targets that are engaged on someone you're aiming to protect. Focus Strike - 15 energy, 4 round cooldown. Target Attack, Mainhand Weapon Damage * 85% as Physical Damage, this attack gains your Ingenuity * 3 Percent increased chance to Critically Strike. - We wanted to give Melee builds a strong Mainhand ability at a middling energy cost. As it stands in the current system, the only interesting choice a melee character can have at 15 energy is "Basic Attack". While it is good, it shouldn't be the only focus of a build. The cooldown offsets its relatively high strength. Shield Changes Common - Kite Shield [10-15, Str 4.0, 6% Crit] Magic Resist +15%, Armour Rating +10%, +5 Initiative, Requires 6 Str - The go-to for Strength-based characters looking to increase their defensive capabilities. Yes, it's better than Magnetic Shield. Uncommon - Buckler [5-20, Dex 4.0, 12% Crit] Dodge Rating +4, Dodge Mitigation +2, +5 Initiative, Requires 6 Dex - The go-to for Dexterity-based characters looking to get the most out of the Dodge statistic. Common - Round Shield [0-5, Dex 4.0 + Str 4.0] Physical Damage +6%, Damage Taken -5%, +10 Initiative, Requires 4 Str, 4 Dex - An "all-round" option - Heh, get it? The shield for the character who mixes between Strength and Dexterity, or the person who really, really wants to go first. It also deals the most damage of the shields, and offsets some of the damage lost by choosing a mixed build. Rare - Tower Shield [0-5, Str 4.0, 0% Crit] Damage Taken -15%, +200 HP, -1 Energy Regen, Requires 8 Str - An option for shield users who wish to focus on tanking even more damage above other utility. Class Ability Changes Warrior Devastate 15 Energy --> 14 Energy - Along with the shield changes, Devastate is being shown some love too. This allows a more constant use of its function for characters with <10 ingenuity. Enraged Regeneration 15 Energy --> 18 Energy 1 Essence --> No Essence - With more energy cost but no essence cost, it gives Warriors a proper choice for in-combat sustain that doesn't require a healer. Keep in mind, it still has a long cooldown. Recklessness 2 Essence --> 1 Essence - Recklessness was overcosted, but is still a very powerful ability. Paladin Holy Shock Magic Action Check * 385% as Healing or Damage --> Magic Action Check * 500% as Healing or Damage - Holy Shock has been a historically weak ability. By bringing the scaling up to match a similar ability (Icy Crush), it should serve as a decent offheal or mid damage nuke for Paladins. Judgement Target Debuff, Every successful Attack Action made against the this target restores 6 Health and 1 Energy- lasts for 4 Rounds --> Target Debuff, Every successful Attack Action made against this target restores 4.5*WP health up to a pool of 13.5*WP then restore 1 energy - Lasts for 4 rounds - Judgement has always been an unique ability in its rewarding quantity rather than quality of attacks. This should open it up to more builds while keeping its energy restorative properties. Hunter Aspect of the Dragonhawk 1 Essence --> No Essence - Aspect of the Dragonhawk is not used in its current state. By removing its essence cost, it may make for a more attractive choice. Druid Rejuvenate Willpower scale 4.5 --> Willpower scale 5 - Rejuvenate was slightly weak considering it being a class ability. Mage Ice Block Cannot be purged. - Given the cooldown, the class restriction, and the essence cost, Ice Block shouldn't be able to be purged. Warlock Fel Armour 10 Energy --> 14 Energy 1 Essence --> No Essence - Fel Armour is a very strong ability, but unused as a mainline class ability. By removing its essence cost, but increasing its energy cost, it can serve as the strong long-term buff that it should be, and the signature ability for a demonic-fueled combatant. Generic Ability Changes Bludgeon 16 Energy --> 15 Energy - With the reduced energy cost, this becomes viable for any build with a decent melee action check. Bolster Target Buff, Reduces Incoming Damage by Self Dodge Rating * 4 Percent- lasts for 2 Rounds, Can only be used on a target with the ‘Guard’ buff, Can not be used on Self --> Target Buff, Replace an ally's armour rating and magic resist with your armour rating and magic resist, if higher. Lasts for 2 rounds. Can only be used on a target you are guarding. - With our changes to shields, along with the changes to Iron Skin and Magic Barrier, this becomes the choice ability for those with high defensive statistics who want to protect a guarded target from ranged abilities. We've also clarified the guarding requirement. Guard +Can be used during the fight invitation period. - This change allows characters AND NPCs to guard during the fight invitation phase. The 10 energy cost of Guard will be paid on the first-turn starting energy when used this way. This hopefully will help tanky characters to be more useful from the get-go in a fight! Dark Vestiges 1 Essence --> No Essence - By removing its essence cost, this normally unused ability makes for a more attractive choice. Disengage 1 Essence --> 0 Essence - An unused ability given its essence cost to counter a simple move, this makes it a viable option for ranged martial characters. Holy Strike Target Attack, Melee Action Check plus Magical Action Check * 350% as Magic Damage --> Target Attack, Mainhand Weapon Damage * 90% as Magic Damage. The Damage of this spell is increased by 2% for each point of Willpower you have. - To help melee builds which dip into willpower more viable, we've reworked Holy Strike to fit the same niche as Focus Strike while incentivizing Willpower investment. Iron Skin No Cooldown --> 6 Round Cooldown Self Buff, If your Armor's Armor Rating is less than Willpower * 5 Percent, it becomes that amount - lasts for 6 Rounds --> Self Buff, Mitigate physical damage equal to (WP*5)% up to (WP*40) damage - Lasts 6 rounds - To bring Willpower defensive abilities in line with other classes, we introduce a cap on the amount of damage this ability can reduce. With the added cooldown, they're naturally countered by high amounts of damage, or purges. Kill Shot 1 Essence --> No Essence - By removing its essence cost, this normally unused ability makes for a more attractive choice. Light Spike Target Heal, Magical Action Check * 275% as Healing --> Target Heal, WP*5 as Healing - At a very low energy cost, Light Spike will never be an extremely powerful heal. With a flat healing, it helps its purpose as an economic ability while setting up for a larger one. Lightning Rod 1 Essence --> No Essence Then cleave Attack, Magic Action Check * 950% --> Then Cleave Attack, Magic Action Check * 1050 - Lightning Rod is weak when considering its energy cost. By adding a little bit of damage while removing the essence cost, it helps its purpose of a situational ranged cleave. Magic Barrier No Cooldown --> 6 Round Cooldown Self Buff, If your Armor's Magic Resistance is less than Willpower * 5 Percent, it becomes that amount lasts for 6 Rounds --> Self Buff, Mitigate magical damage equal to (WP*5)% up to (WP*40) damage - Lasts 6 rounds - To bring Willpower defensive abilities in line with other classes, we introduce a cap on the amount of damage this ability can reduce. With the added cooldown, they're naturally countered by high amounts of damage, or purges. Obliterate 1 Essence --> No Essence - Melee players rejoice. Obliterate has more easily accessible counters than the mage ability Pyroblast and does more damage. By removing the essence cost, it becomes a highly attractive move for all 2h builds. Pierce 16 Energy --> 15 Energy - Pierce has a rare and powerful debuff that reduces a character's armour rating. By lowering the energy cost, it becomes an attractive option. Point Blank Shot Target Attack, Ranged Weapon Damage * 120% as Physical Damage --> Target Attack, Ranged Weapon Damage * 80% as Physical Damage. Make a contested Melee Action check to disengage from the target. - With its energy cost and scaling, this ability a stronger melee option than most melee builds. Lowering its damage while also adding in an effect that helps disengage from foes changes it to favour the gameplay loop of a hunter keeping distance from their foes. Revenge 1 Essence --> No Essence - By removing its essence cost, this normally unused ability makes for a more attractive choice. Shadow Consumption 20 Energy --> 18 Energy 1 Essence --> No Essence - Between the damage and the healing, this ability moves less health than fiery burst, and since fatigue affects both damage output and healing, the new cost is more in line with its effectiveness. Shield Block REMOVED - Shield abilities have been reworked into more interesting choices, as outlined above. Shield Slam REMOVED - Shield abilities have been reworked into more interesting choices, as outlined above. Vital Spirit 3 Essence --> 4 Essence Reduces Fatigue by 550 --> Reduces Fatigue by 2500 - A previously weak ability, It may not be an attractive ability for every single character on the Doldrums, but it will fill a niche for the player that wants to participate in an obscene amount of RPG combat. 2500 fatigue is 50% total fatigue. Wand Attack 14 Energy --> 6 Energy Mainhand Weapon Damage * 85% --> Mainhand Weapon Damage * 60% - In an effort to make wands a more attractive option, we've turned their basic attack into a decent "filler" ability. It may seem like a huge buff on the surface but wands do not deal a substantial amount of damage.
  2. Stenqvist

    [Project] Creating Undead Minions

    He might know how to do it in Azeroth proper, but will that work here? Find out in the next episode of the Doldrums Drama: 'In Character'