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Posts posted by moby

  1. (Appearance) The kaldorei stood strong, taller than most of her race. Dressed in cloth, her hair was white, and braided at the back. Her skin, as well, was a pale white color. The murky white glow of most of her race's eyes was prevalent in hers, though a lux duller than most... her face was bare of markings, despite the maturity of her countenance. 
    These features suggest the woman wasn't of traditional upbringing that most kaldorei had. A highborne, most likely.

    (History) Mobi was born 14,127 years ago, one of the oldest generations of her kind. She grew up in a noble family, but she spent all of her time studying the ancient wood-tomes and inscriptions, finding comfort in the pursuit of knowledge rather than exercising her power. Her size became apparent, and she had a few offers to become a warrior, and serve those of higher status, but she refused all of them... especially considering the rumors she began to hear later on. In fact, as soon as the fighting began, Mobi took five of the most important tomes she could find, and left. Most of her time afterward was spent in the wild, and the massive explosion that separated the supercontinent of Kalimdor came shortly after her departure. Here, she learned many survival skills which have dulled in the present due to her lack of usage. Though, they may come in handy, now that she has found herself stranded on the Doldrums...

    (Ability) Mobi is an ancient mage. Her techniques may be archaeic, but she is quite strong when the time comes to fight. She can use most weapons, even a longsword, but the first weapon she learned to use was a spear.


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