The call would be sounded across the Doldrums. From the Mountain of Opej'nor came the call to arms from Warleader Bloodfury himself. The time had come, to gather each organization of the Doldrums, and discuss a number of important and delicate matters that would decide their fates. With the failings of the last "councils" that have been held, Bloodfury would attempt to organize the rabble into obedience with a will of iron. Leaders or representatives of each faction would be asked to attend the Summit, in order to reach key decisions when moving forward with pressing matters. Under the guise of Grom'goshar, the accords taken place and agreed upon in these meetings would be upheld, for the good of all. In addition to this, those not of any factions but have concerns of their own can speak to respective representatives of locale factions to put their concerns forward. Although the larger matters of the factions shall always take precedence, the Summit will make the other voices heard.    OOC: The Grom'thar Summit is an occassional meeting held by Grom'goshar for the faction representatives to come together and discuss important matters. In addition, those not in guilds can pass on issues to their locale factions to put forward to the Summit. This will allow their voice to be heard, whilst preventing the meeting to be over bloated with too many people. Dates and agendas will be posted each time a new Summit is to be called!