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Everything posted by Nostra

  1. Post your screens from guilds, events and so on!
  2. Nostra

    Read Before Posting

    Welcome to Unknown Shores! Before you can access the rest of the community you need to post an introduction. This is our introduction template. You can make your answers as long as you want them to. Have fun, and we hope to see you within our community! First and foremost; tell us about yourself, as a roleplayer/gamer: (This can be anything. We like to get a feel for those that will be integrating themselves into our community.) How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the community? As we are a roleplaying community, what kinds of role-play do you enjoy? (Some enjoy relaxing tavern roleplay. Others enjoy fighting, action and danger. Some in crowds, some in pairs. What appeals to you the most?) What sorts of games do you generally play? Tell us a few of your favourites! What are your expectations of this community? Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our community, which appeals to you the most? (Feel free to review our rules listed here.) Show off some of your role-play skills with a story, if you'd like! (This is not required, but it may help you get your RP gears rolling with this community!) Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify? (This can be anything. Questions/Comments are always welcome.) A few tips for writing your introduction! Detail A good introduction is detailed and gives us an impression of who you are. Whether you’re the mysterious type or a gregarious, outgoing individual, there’s a good chance that if you’re here, you share our passion for roleplaying. We love to hear about what kinds of settings our newcomers enjoy, which races they prefer to portray, and what drew them to Warcraft. Spelling and Grammar We aren’t overly strict with spelling and grammar, but we appreciate applicants taking the time to carefully go over their answers and making them as error-free as possible. The occasional typo or misspelt word is fine, and we have many extraordinary writers whose first language is not English, so don’t feel too pressured. Attitude Unknown Shores is a tightly-knit community and we actively promote respect and civility. If you show a positive, friendly attitude in your introduction you immediately define yourself as an approachable person and open up avenues to role-play right away. You can’t go wrong if you remain respectful at all times. Story-Writing Pointers You might not think it, but the stories people write are highly indicative of what kind of person they are. Writers can reveal a lot about their inner nature without ever typing the words ‘I’ or ‘Me’. The setting of your story need not even be related to Warcraft. It can be a work of complete fiction, or a detailed account of a factual event. It could be a monologue of your thoughts when you joined the server and wrote out your introduction, or the antics of one of your characters.
  3. “The world is a well from which we all come to draw a draught of knowledge.” The Votaries are an order of knowledge seekers, secret keepers and sorcerous pioneers. From disparate factions and races, they have come together to create an environment where their pursuit of knowledge can thrive. The Votaries work together, putting aside petty rivalry and factionalism in the name of progress and unraveling the mysteries of the world; and the secrets in the Doldrums. With the Kirin Tor and the Blue Dragonflight being but memories of the outside world, the Votaries of the Well has taken it upon themselves to collect and safeguard artifacts and knowledge of magical nature, be that of the light, shadow, fel, nature or arcane. The Doldrums is a place of convergence, great power is drawn into it and have for millennia. It is for the Votaries of the Well to ensure that this power is handled with care and to the benefit of the islands. The sacred beliefs of the order state that there are no gods, only Powers who use people as their pawns in the games they play with each other. In the eyes of the Votaries the Light and the Burning Legion are not much different from each other, they both offer power in return for submission. Unacceptable terms for the order. They do not forbid the pursuit of knowledge these Powers offer, but the terms must always be favourable to the Votary and never may they offer servitude. Clever deals and contracts are bread and butter for the order, they always seek to extract the last drop of advantage they can before closing a pact. As such, each member has a pact with the order which states the details of their membership, most follow the standard pact but a few members have special considerations taken into account. Studying the Arcane, Demons, the Light, Necromancy, Runes, Artifacts, Alchemy and so on are all encouraged, as long as faith, worship or servitude is not indulged, a Votary is never a pawn. The Votaries of the Well organise around grand projects which all members make their contribution towards. After a project has been completed, as judged by the Curate, a symposium is held to both discuss the next undertaking as well as celebrate the accomplishments of the order. A symposium starts with the Curate officially resigning their position and declaring a moderator for the discussions to be held. The moderator is usually a luminary who does not intend to argue in favour of a proposal. The moderator is then given a list of the projects members want to propose, any member may propose a project and argue in its favour. The moderator then keeps order and ensure that the symposium progress at a reasonable pace. He introduces the proposal and the Votary putting it forward, then allows the Votary in question make their argument in favour of their proposed project. After which any member may make a counter argument. Once all proposals have been made, the moderator will call for an anonymous vote to decide which project the order shall embark on. Once a project is decided, a luminary will be nominated as the Curate to oversee its completion. The Curate is an elected member of the order who oversees the current project the Votaries have decided to pursue. The Curate leads the order as the first among equals until the project is completed, at which point a symposium is organised to discuss the next project and vote on a new Curate. Only Luminaries are eligible for election. A Luminary is a full member of the order who have participated in the completion of at least one project. It is from the luminaries that the Curate is elected and it is they who are entrusted with the knowledge and power that the Votaries secure. Luminaries decide who can join the order and by consensus decide where the order should put their focus next and what their goals will be. Adepts are the new members of the order who have not yet participated in the completion of a project. Adepts have all the rights and privileges of any member of the order except voting on or eligibility for the Curatorship. To become an adept you must have a patron among the luminaries who can sponsor your entry into the order. This person vouches for your trustworthiness and is responsible for the pact between you and the order. Any race or class may join, even those who have no magical expertise. Warriors and such may act as artefact hunters, using magical items and enchantments to secure more knowledge and artefacts for the order. We expect most who join will be spell-casters of some kind however and welcome all kinds. It is important to note that the order does but welcome those of faith, priests and paladins are welcome but should be of the kind we see among the blood knights or Goblins. The light and shadow are tools, just like the arcane or fel and as such should not be worshipped but instead studied and brought under control. Power and knowledge must never come at the price of subjugation. Knowledge and power over the esoteric is dangerous and volatile, it must be in the capable hands of the Votaries of the Well. New discoveries must be documented in the Codex and objects of power turned over to a Luminary of the order or kept in the Vault. The power and knowledge of the order must be used for the greater good of the isles, as judged by the consensus of the Luminaries. “I, ______ ______, agree to enter into this pact sound of mind and body, wholly willing and with full knowledge of who the Votaries of the Well are. I will now and in the future be truthful and faithful to my brothers and sisters of the order, I will uphold the tenets in good faith and without deceit.” Formally form the order in role-play. Settle the rules and tenets. Hold the first symposium, deciding first project and Curate. Write the first edition of the Codex. Decide whether a Vault shall be built, and the details of location, security and access.
  4. Nostra

    [Group] Votaries of the Well

    We're a good group already, looks like we'll be officially founding the order soon! Anyone who is a member before that becomes a Luminary automatically. 😊
  5. Nostra

    [Group] Votaries of the Well

    Notes: The Codex will list all spells, rituals and such that we discover or reinvent for the Doldrums. It shall document all artifacts and objects of power we encounter and hopefully secure. We'll need to build a vault to store these, maybe even a library. Dreams to strive for We are trying to form this group ingame, if you are interested feel free to send a pm on discord!
  6. Nostra


    Take care!
  7. Damn this looks cool. Probably the best guild seen so far.
  8. Nostra

    Hello and Hi

    Nice to see people are still noticing us over there! Welcome!
  9. Nostra

    Well, hello there.

    Welcome to the server! I have actually seen a bear, 'Black Bear'. It mauled me instantly. When I came back for vengeance it was gone...
  10. Nostra

    Caveat Emptor

    You can edit titles What is that leader title? 🤢
  11. I'm 99% there are good wmos of dwarven houses and fortresses that we can edit into the world. You'd have to pay through the dick though.
  12. Nostra

    Server looks neat.

    Welcome to the server. You'll find us active in the Discord if you have any questions!
  13. Nostra

    coins and shit

    Building 'proper' structures will have a silver cost, upkeep for NPCs will have a silver cost. I think those are the main things we are looking to add in the future. If you have suggestions that fit Varen's criteria, I'm sure we can look at those too.
  14. Nostra

    Ahoy, gents

    https://www.goodreads.com/series/121829-asian-saga-chronological-order Here you go!
  15. Nostra


    Welcome to the server! Watch out for all the insane refugees!
  16. Nostra

    Ahoy, gents

    Shogun is a great book, I haven't read the others in the series but I've heard they're pretty good too. The mini-series they made a few years ago is supposed to be good too. Welcome to the server!
  17. The Pit of Souls Somewhere in the Doldrums there is a pit, this pit has in the Shadowlands been carved out as the domain of an entity which draw in the souls of the dead. The majority of souls, especially the more powerful, are eventually taken here. While within the Shadowlands as spirits, arcane magic is impossible to perform, the light refuses to answer your call and your body is ethereal and cannot affect much if any change to the environment. Calling on the Shadow is effective, but cannot bring you out of the Pit nor can it be used to communicate with those still alive outside the Shadowlands. The Mechanics. ■ Player spirits are always drawn into the Pit, NPCs are looser and up to the discretion of the DM. Player characters are assumed to possess 'powerful souls', relatively speaking. ■ Attempting to bring a spirit back would first mean to create a temporary breach into the Pit and call that particular spirit out. This runs the risk of releasing other souls trapped within the Pit. Creating a breach is difficult and requires someone familiar with the Shadowlands in particular or with Shadow magic in general. To create a breach for the Soul of someone trapped in the Pit to escape into the Shadowlands, a ritual must be held that requires the caster possessing something of personal significance to the deceased. This ritual is dangerous and the consequences may be dire even if successful, before it can be cast knowledge of it must be acquired. ■ The Souls of the Dead may attempt to break out of the Pit, the mechanics of which are revealed to those who have died. ■ Communication with a (player) soul that has escaped the Pit is a ritual which requires some power (10 shards of mana or equivalent) and a DC14 Willpower check. This can only be done by Priests, Shaman and Necromancers, characters that ought to have this sort of knowledge. If several people, of those classes, work together, the DC is lowered by 1 per character successfully rolling the DC14 Willpower check. If successful the communicating players may speak a short phrase which is conveyed across the veil. The spirit may then offer a short reply. If successful the communicating players may speak a short phrase which is conveyed across the veil. After the first reply, before each new one, the casters must again succeed a DC14 Willpower Check or the connection will be severed. This ritual can only be cast once a week. ■ Resurrection is a difficult process, one must first acquire the knowledge of how to create several necessary reagents, and then of the ritual of resurrection itself. These reagents require masters of their respective crafts.
  18. Nostra

    Gnomish Greetings

    Welcome to the club.
  19. Nostra


    Guild is approved.
  20. Nostra


    Welcome to the server.
  21. Nostra

    he is here

  22. Nostra


    Welcome to the server.
  23. Nostra

    stay a while...

    Welcome to the server.
  24. Nostra


    If you need any help feel free to poke any of the staff or ask in the Discord.
  25. Nostra


    Welcome, here there be roleplay. 😀